Color displays are ubiquitous with computing. As our color accuracy needs increase, so do our needs to define accurately the color appearance of CRT imagery. The first step in this process involves defining the colorimetric properties of the display. The CIE has addressed this need through technical committee. A technical report is undergoing divisional balloting. It is titled, “The Relationship Between Digital And Colorimetric Data For Computer-Controlled CRT Displays.” Chapters include: metrology (spectral instrumentation, wideband instrumentation, sampling rates, optimization methods), model relationship (digital to spectral conversion, internal and ambient flare, assumptions), and a worked example to predict spectral radiance or tristimulus values of the entire color gamut from a minimal number of measurements. This paper summarizes this CIE technical report.
Roy S. Berns, "Computer-Controlled CRT Colorimetry: A View from CIE" in Proc. IS&T 4th Color and Imaging Conf., 1996, pp 227 - 229,