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Proceedings Paper
Volume: 31 | Article ID: 38
The Influence of Interreflections on Shape from Fluorescence
  DOI :  10.2352/CIC.2023.31.1.40  Published OnlineNovember 2023

Fluorescence is an optical phenomenon, specific to certain materials that absorb light with higher energy and re-emit it at lower energy, with unnoticeable time latency. Due to this so-called Stokes shift, fluorescent materials pose several challenges in image capture, where usually a filtering setup is required at the illumination and/or sensing ends. Nevertheless, fluorescence emission is diffuse, which was previously used in shape from photometry models. In this work, we target the shape from fluorescence method for a specific category of materials: those with overlapping reflectance and fluorescence signals. In particular, we investigate how the self-interreflections (light bounces off a surface that get re-reflected by the surface itself) change the appearance of scenes with such fluorescent materials and how this affects the shape estimation with a photometric stereo model. To avoid instrumental artifacts inherent in real image capture setups, we perform our analysis on a synthetic dataset of multi-light images, generated with a physically-based spectral renderer that supports fluorescence.

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Irina-Mihaela Ciortan, Sony George, Jon Yngve Hardeberg, "The Influence of Interreflections on Shape from Fluorescencein Color and Imaging Conference,  2023,  pp 215 - 220,

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Copyright ©2023 Society for Imaging Science and Technology  2023
Color and Imaging Conference
Society for Imaging Science and Technology
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