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Volume: 30 | Article ID: 46
Reproduction of Perceptual Translucency by Surface Texture in 3D Printing
  DOI :  10.2352/CIC.2022.30.1.46  Published OnlineNovember 2022

We propose a method of reproducing perceptual translucency in three-dimensional printing. In contrast to most conventional methods, which reproduce the physical properties of translucency, we focus on the perceptual aspects of translucency. Humans are known to rely on simple cues to perceive translucency, and we develop a method of reproducing these cues using the gradation of surface textures. Textures are designed to reproduce the intensity distribution of the shading and thus provide a cue for the perception of translucency. In creating textures, we adopt computer graphics to develop an image-based optimization method. We validate the effectiveness of the method through subjective evaluation experiments using three-dimensionally printed objects. The results of the validation show that the proposed method using texture is effective in improving perceptual translucency.

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Kazuki Nagasawa, Kamui Ono, Wataru Arai, Norimichi Tsumura, "Reproduction of Perceptual Translucency by Surface Texture in 3D Printingin Color and Imaging Conference,  2022,  pp 264 - 270,

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Copyright ©2022 Society for Imaging Science and Technology 2022
Color and Imaging Conference
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