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Volume: 30 | Article ID: 15
HDR Multispectral Imaging-based BRDF Measurement using a Flexible Robotic Arm System
  DOI :  10.2352/CIC.2022.30.1.15  Published OnlineNovember 2022

Materials with special appearance properties such as goniochromatic materials require complex bidirectional measurements to properly characterise their colour and gloss. Normally, these measurements are performed by goniospectrophotometers which are expensive and not commonly available. In this paper a flexible imaging system composed of a snapshot multispectral camera and a light source attached to a robotic arm, is used to obtain HDR BRDF measurements of patinas commonly used in cultural heritage objects. The system is evaluated by comparing the results to those of a commercially available goniospectrophotometer. It is found that with a known uncertainty, the system is capable of producing accurate measurements of samples with a roughness equal or lower than 6.19 μm. For roughnesses higher that 12.48 μm, the accuracy of the system decreases. Moreover, it is found that the size and orientation of the region of interest plays a great influence on the precision of the imaging system.

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Yoko Arteaga, Clotilde Boust, Jon Hardeberg, "HDR Multispectral Imaging-based BRDF Measurement using a Flexible Robotic Arm Systemin Color and Imaging Conference,  2022,  pp 75 - 80,

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Copyright ©2022 Society for Imaging Science and Technology 2022
Color and Imaging Conference
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