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Volume: 30 | Article ID: 11
Relating Color Associations to Pill Colors and Expected Efficacy
  DOI :  10.2352/CIC.2022.30.1.11  Published OnlineNovember 2022

Colors, generally, have effects on human interpretations that can manifest in a variety of emotions, reactions, and behaviors. The objective of this study is to understand the reasoning behind the choices of pill colors in relation to expected efficacy of drugs, as well as the color associations made by participants. The research was conducted at several university campuses in USA, UAE, Croatia, Kosovo, and China, and focused on different age brackets, gender, ethnic backgrounds, educational levels, and pill usage frequency. Understanding the reasoning and color associations helps us better comprehend the expected efficacy of drugs, and can therefore support pharmaceutical companies in designing and manufacturing drugs, thereby maximizing the potential effect on patients’ adherence rates.

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Rema Amawi, Michael Murdoch, "Relating Color Associations to Pill Colors and Expected Efficacyin Color and Imaging Conference,  2022,  pp 52 - 57,

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Color and Imaging Conference
color imaging conf
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