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Volume: 3 | Article ID: art00015
Color Pixelization of Cholesteric Materials
  DOI :  10.2352/CIC.1995.3.1.art00015  Published OnlineJanuary 1995

A bistable color reflective cholesteric display (RCD) is developed, using a unique cholesteric materials containing a tunable chiral material (TCM). The chirality of such cholesteric materials can be altered using photo-tuned lithography. The pitch length of each region can be tuned to reflect a different color, thereby creating different color pixels in the liquid crystal material itself.

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L.-C. Chien, F. Vicentini, Y. Lin, U. Müller, "Color Pixelization of Cholesteric Materialsin Proc. IS&T 3rd Color and Imaging Conf.,  1995,  pp 58 - 59,

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Copyright © Society for Imaging Science and Technology 1995
Color and Imaging Conference
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