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Volume: 3 | Article ID: art00009
Illumination-Invariant Recognition of Local Color Distributions using Linear Models for Spectral Reflectance
  DOI :  10.2352/CIC.1995.3.1.art00009  Published OnlineJanuary 1995

Local color pixel distributions provide information that is useful for object recognition but are dependent on the scene illumination. We develop a method that assigns color descriptors to an object that depend on the distribution of spectral reflectance across the object and not on the illumination. For a trichromatic system, the method assumes a three-dimensional linear model for surface spectral reflectance. We present examples demonstrating the system's ability to recognize model objects in cluttered scenes independent of scene illumination.

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David Slater, Glenn Healey, "Illumination-Invariant Recognition of Local Color Distributions using Linear Models for Spectral Reflectancein Proc. IS&T 3rd Color and Imaging Conf.,  1995,  pp 34 - 36,

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Copyright © Society for Imaging Science and Technology 1995
Color and Imaging Conference
color imaging conf
Society of Imaging Science and Technology
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