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Volume: 28 | Article ID: art00051
Reflectance and transmittance of flowable dental resin composite predicted by the two-flux model: on the importance of analyzing the effective measurement geometry
  DOI :  10.2352/issn.2169-2629.2020.28.50  Published OnlineNovember 2020

Flowable direct resin composite materials used in the dental domain are among materials that scatter light rather weakly, giving to millimeter-thick samples a certain translucent aspect. In order to predict the spectral reflectance and the color of such samples, the two-flux theory, i.e., Kubelka-Munk model (with Saunderson correction), remains the standard approach used in the dental domain, in spite of its known limitations when scattering is too weak. The present study, however, shows that a careful analysis of the light signal effectively measured on weakly scattering samples with instruments based, as usually recommended, on the d:8° measurement geometry, and a subsequent reevaluation of the parameters used in the Saunderson correction formulas with respect to the effective measurement geometry, can considerably improve the prediction accuracy of the model in both reflectance and transmittance modes, as confirmed by experiments carried out with samples of dental flowable resin composite material of different thicknesses. This broadens the applicability domain of the model, and might satisfy users preferring the simplicity of the two-flux model and the affordable equipment it needs to more relevant but more complex light scattering theories.

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Vincent Duveiller, Lou Gevaux, Raphaël Clerc, Jean-Pierre Salomon, Mathieu Hebert, "Reflectance and transmittance of flowable dental resin composite predicted by the two-flux model: on the importance of analyzing the effective measurement geometryin Proc. IS&T 28th Color and Imaging Conf.,  2020,  pp 313 - 320,

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Copyright © Society for Imaging Science and Technology 2020
Color and Imaging Conference
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Society for Imaging Science and Technology