White balance (WB) is one of the first photo-finishing steps used to render a captured image to its final output. WB is applied to remove the color cast caused by the scene's illumination. Interactive photo-editing software allows users to manually select different regions in a photo as examples of the illumination for WB correction (e.g., clicking on achromatic objects). Such interactive editing is possible only with images saved in a RAW image format. This is because RAW images have no photorendering operations applied and photo-editing software is able to apply WB and other photo-finishing procedures to render the final image. Interactively editing WB in camera-rendered images is significantly more challenging. This is because the camera hardware has already applied WB to the image and subsequent nonlinear photo-processing routines. These nonlinear rendering operations make it difficult to change the WB post-capture. The goal of this paper is to allow interactive WB manipulation of camera-rendered images. The proposed method is an extension of our recent work [6] that proposed a post-capture method for WB correction based on nonlinear color-mapping functions. Here, we introduce a new framework that links the nonlinear color-mapping functions directly to user-selected colors to enable interactive WB manipulation. This new framework is also more efficient in terms of memory and run-time (99% reduction in memory and 3 × speed-up). Lastly, we describe how our framework can leverage a simple illumination estimation method (i.e., gray-world) to perform auto-WB correction that is on a par with the WB correction results in [6].
Mahmoud Afifi, Michael S. Brown, "Interactive White Balancing for Camera-Rendered Images" in Proc. IS&T 28th Color and Imaging Conf., 2020, pp 136 - 141, https://doi.org/10.2352/issn.2169-2629.2020.28.21