Over time, much work has been carried out to ascertain the accuracy of the CIE standard color-matching functions, but no definitive answer has been given. Recent work indicates an undeniable discrepancy between visual and computed metamers calculated using the existing CIE (the International Commission on Illumination) standard observer CMFs, especially when matching with narrowband sources. With a spectrally tunable solid-state light source, a series of pilot matching experiments have been done using primaries with different peak wavelengths. The results indicate which regions in wavelength space are most sensitive to generating matching inaccuracies for a given CMF set and which primary combinations have the most stable matching performance.
Li J., Hanselaer P., Smet K.A.G., "THE IMPACT OF MATCHING PRIMARY PEAK WAVELENGTH ON COLOR MATCHING ACCURACY AND OBSERVER VARIABILITY" in Proc. IS&T 27th Color and Imaging Conf., 2019, pp 220 - 224, https://doi.org/10.2352/issn.2169-2629.2019.27.39