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Volume: 26 | Article ID: art00038
Effect of choosing a different number of linearization samples on display characterization
  DOI :  10.2352/ISSN.2169-2629.2018.26.237  Published OnlineNovember 2018

The most common and popular display used with desktop personal computers and workstations is the flat-panel LCD, primarily because of low-power consumption. These devices present challenges in terms of color fidelity because of channel interaction and non-constancy of channel chromaticities. Therefore, the development of models to establish accurate color characterization is still a research problem. The main purpose of color characterization of a device is to define the transformation between RGB (the device color space) and CIEXYZ or CIELAB (reference color space) [1]. There are three different common characterization models which have been widely used in the literature for device characterization: GOG, PLCC and PLVC All three models require the use of measured samples to characterise the non-linear response of the display. The objective of this research was to determine the effect of varying the number of linearization samples on the characterization performances for a set of 20 displays. For small numbers of linearization samples the GOG model frequently gave the best performance. However, performance using PLVC and PLCC improved markedly as the number of linearization samples increased. Improvement gains when using more than about 18 linearization samples were modest. For 18 or more linearization samples the best performance was usually obtained using PLVC although for some displays PLCC gave better performance.

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Marjan Vazirian, Stephen Westland, "Effect of choosing a different number of linearization samples on display characterizationin Proc. IS&T 26th Color and Imaging Conf.,  2018,  pp 237 - 240,

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Copyright © Society for Imaging Science and Technology 2018
Color and Imaging Conference
color imaging conf
Society for Imaging Science and Technology