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Volume: 25 | Article ID: art00044
Device Independent Graininess Reproduction: Preliminary study
  DOI :  10.2352/ISSN.2169-2629.2017.25.269  Published OnlineSeptember 2017

In this paper, we propose a psychophysically-based model of graininess perception for device independent graininess reproduction system. This model is developed by conducting an experiment to explore the relationship among 1) subjective evaluation values for various graininess objects, 2) physical parameters used to generate the graininess objects and 3) values of maximum luminance on the display for reproduction. In the experiment to obtain the subjective evaluation values, the magnitude estimation method was used to quantify the graininess perception. The graininess model obtained by multiple regression analysis for the above values can be used to calculate curved surfaces where the graininess objects are observed as the equal appearance. This surface can be used for device independent graininess reproduction process to match the graininess under the displays with various maximum luminance. In this process, even if the values of maximum luminance on the display is changed in the model, the value of graininess under the changed luminance is hold by changing the physical parameters of graininess generation in the model. In the practical experiment, we found that the proposed model and process for device independent graininess reproduction were effective for our adopted displays with various maximum luminance.

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Junki Yoshii, Shoji Yamamoto, Yuto Hirasawa, Hiroshi Kintou, Norimichi Tsumura, "Device Independent Graininess Reproduction: Preliminary studyin Proc. IS&T 25th Color and Imaging Conf.,  2017,  pp 269 - 273,

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Copyright © Society for Imaging Science and Technology 2017
Color and Imaging Conference
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Society for Imaging Science and Technology