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Volume: 25 | Article ID: art00029
Spectral and Color Characterization of a Quantum Dots Display for Gonio-Apparent Colors
  DOI :  10.2352/ISSN.2169-2629.2017.25.177  Published OnlineSeptember 2017

Digital simulation by rendering gonio-apparent coatings and thereby visualizing the variation of visual attributes such as color and texture with geometry is requested for different industries. Recently, quantum dots (QD) displays appeared in the market with attractive characteristics such as a wider color gamut. Therefore, a proper color characterization and calibration of this type of displays is needed. In this work, we focused on the color and spectral characterization of the new quantum dots display technology. Philips Brilliance LCD Quad HD monitor was used. The spectral radiance of a set of images (stepped digital count levels from 0 to 255) was measured by the Konica-Minolta CS2000 tele-spectroradiometer. Another set of images with different combinations of digital count levels are generated for the validation. As results, a good primaries constancy was obtained after black correction. Channel additivity with errors less than 0.77 was confirmed. The electro-optical transfer function can be correctly adjusted to a power function. The GOG model was applied giving good characterization of this display. Color reproduction is evaluated using the color-difference formula CIEDE2000. The average color difference ΔE00 between the generated images and the objects is 1.39 for the validation generated images. Therefore, we conclude that the accuracy obtained with the GOG model is sufficient to get good performance in 3D rendering. Furthermore, the color appearance of a gonio-apparent coating is reproduced on a QD display and on a sRGB display. It is checked that the QD display provide a more chromatic gamut, which is very useful for the color rendering of gonio-apparent coatings.

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Khalil Huraibat, Esther Perales, Eric Kirchner, Ivo van der Lans, Alejandro Ferrero, Joaquín Campos, Francisco Miguel Martínez- Verdú, "Spectral and Color Characterization of a Quantum Dots Display for Gonio-Apparent Colorsin Proc. IS&T 25th Color and Imaging Conf.,  2017,  pp 177 - 181,

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Copyright © Society for Imaging Science and Technology 2017
Color and Imaging Conference
color imaging conf
Society for Imaging Science and Technology