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Volume: 25 | Article ID: art00025
Colour analysis of fat spreads
  DOI :  10.2352/ISSN.2169-2629.2017.25.153  Published OnlineSeptember 2017

This paper compares the results of the colour analysis of about 40 different fat spreads using a digital colour imaging system (DigiEye) and two different colorimeters, e.g. the Hunterlab colorimeter (Labscan II) and Minolta colorimeter (Chroma Meter CR400). The colour and appearance of fat spreads is shown to influence the flavour perception and consumer liking. The DigiEye system records colorimetrically accurate images suitable for the measurement of colour uniformity. The three methods were used to analyse the bulk colour. The DigiEye was also used for the determination of the colour of the surface (after removal of the sealing). Linear relations were found between the colour values measured by the tested systems. However better correlations were found between the DigiEye and the Hunterlab Labscan. A linear relation was observed between the sensory scores on yellowness and those obtained by DigiEye, Hunterlab and Minolta. The short term precision of the determination of the yellowness using the DigiEye system is somewhat better than those of the colorimeter. Instead of yellowness also the b* value can be used. The additional benefit of the DigiEye is the assessment of the appearance. For instance the colour and colour uniformity of the surface of the fat spread.

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Gerard Van Dalen, Robert Jan van der Velden, "Colour analysis of fat spreadsin Proc. IS&T 25th Color and Imaging Conf.,  2017,  pp 153 - 158,

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Copyright © Society for Imaging Science and Technology 2017
Color and Imaging Conference
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Society for Imaging Science and Technology