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Volume: 25 | Article ID: art00020
Super Vision Model: What's Peking Robin Seeing?
  DOI :  10.2352/ISSN.2169-2629.2017.25.117  Published OnlineSeptember 2017

Unlike trichromatic human vision, birds are tetrachromats with the fourth UV cone. This paper discusses on "What spectra are visible to Peking robin?" Human can see the spectrum C*A called "fundamental" extracted from the input spectrum C through Matrix-RA. As well, Peking robin can see the fundamental C*B extracted through the extended Matrix-RB. Matrix-RB is given by Peking robin's ROGU (Red Orange Green and UV) cone sensitivities. The super vision spectrum C*B projected onto FCS (Fundamental Color Space) spans up to 300~400 nm UV range. The key is not to estimate the original hyper spectra but to restore the low-dimensional spectra called "fundamental", truly visible to the tetrachromat. The model doesn't take care the "metameric black" component but tries to predict the fundamental C*B from sRGB camera images under D65. The fundamental C*B can be restored if the input spectrum C is known, but not always. Since the fundamental C*A without "metameric black" carries the unique tri-stimulus value TA, it's mathematically recovered from TA by "pseudo-inverse" projection. Hence, the fundamental C*B must be recovered from the tetra-stimulus value TB. The model predicts TB from TA based on the bold hypothesis that TB (ROGU) will change interlocking to TA (RGB) for the common scene. The fundamental C*B is restored by the pseudo-inverse projection of predicted TB. The paper verifies how the model recovers the fundamentals in comparison with the true UV flower's spectra and discusses how it works well or not.

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Hiroaki Kotera, "Super Vision Model: What's Peking Robin Seeing?in Proc. IS&T 25th Color and Imaging Conf.,  2017,  pp 117 - 122,

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Copyright © Society for Imaging Science and Technology 2017
Color and Imaging Conference
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