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Volume: 24 | Article ID: art00021
Effects of Color Pairs on Warmth Perception in Interiors
  DOI :  10.2352/ISSN.2169-2629.2017.32.126  Published OnlineNovember 2016

Warmth perception is a physical, emotional, semantic, and sensorial bond between people and their environments. Although the effects of single colors have been explored, there has been no research on how paired colors affect warmth perception in interiors. Therefore, the main aim of this study is to investigate these effects of colors and color pairs. Each model was assessed by 32 participants, totaling 96 different participants assessed the color models (Red, White, Green, and their pairs) under controlled conditions, both on a seven-point semantic differential scale and through open-ended questions. The results show that both single colors and paired colors affect warmth perception in interiors. White, Green, and Red are warmer than each other, respectively. Red appears to increase and White appears to decrease the warmth perception of their pairs in interiors. Another important finding of the study is that there is no effect of color location in paired colors.

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Begüm Ulusoy, Nilgün Olguntürk, "Effects of Color Pairs on Warmth Perception in Interiorsin Proc. IS&T 24th Color and Imaging Conf. ,  2016,

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