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Volume: 23 | Article ID: art00011
Reproduction of Reflective and Fluorescent Components using Eight-band Imaging
  DOI :  10.2352/CIC.2015.23.1.art00011  Published OnlineOctober 2015

We propose a method for relighting fluorescent objects using a multiband image system. Fluorescence is often present in everyday articles and its optical properties make it harder to reproduce than pure reflectance. Decomposing colors into separate fluorescent and reflective components is required for accurate color reproduction. In our method, bi-spectral images are captured using an eight-band camera and an eight-band lighting system for the decomposition. First, spectral reflectance of the object is estimated. Next, the multiband image of the fluorescent components under relighting illumination is generated from the weighted linear combination of the captured fluorescent images. The weight of each band is calculated from the spectral transmittance of each band-pass filter attached to the lighting system, and the spectral power distributions (SPD) of the illumination during image capturing and relighting. Finally, a relighted image is reproduced by composing reflective and fluorescent component images. Experimental evaluations show that the spectral reflectance and SPD of fluorescent components are accurately estimated and relighting images are well reproduced.

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M. Tsuchida, M. Mori, K. Kashino, J. Yamato, "Reproduction of Reflective and Fluorescent Components using Eight-band Imagingin Proc. IS&T 23rd Color and Imaging Conf.,  2015,  pp 52 - 57,

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Copyright © Society for Imaging Science and Technology 2015
Color and Imaging Conference
color imaging conf
Society for Imaging Science and Technology