With the advent of multi-channel technologies, printers offer more and more possibilities for spectral reproduction. In order to print a specific color sensation, there are now more degrees of freedom when it comes to combining inks (i.e. more metamerism). In this paper, we take the example of a CMYKRGB printer and propose to visualize the extent of its spectral variability (or degree of metamerism) through the analysis of so-called paramermismatch gamuts. We then evaluate the suitability of the recently proposed LabAB interim connection space in the design of look-up tables for spectral color management. We demonstrate in particular that the spectral variability of this printer is small enough to drastically reduce the number of necessary grid points needed to sample the connection space without loss of perceived quality.
Steven Le Moan, Philipp Urban, "Spectral printing with a CMYKRGB printer: a closer look" in Proc. IS&T 22nd Color and Imaging Conf., 2014, pp 131 - 135, https://doi.org/10.2352/CIC.2014.22.1.art00022