Color Appearance Models are successfully used to model the color perception differences seen when the same stimuli are presented on different media, e.g. hard copy or a self-luminous display. It is currently unknown if the similar effects are present in gloss perception and if there is need for Gloss Appearance Models.Gloss communication, and the higher level material appearance communication is becoming more important everyday with the increase in customized manufacturing and the need for the costumer to preview a final product while short-runs, time and cost constraints prohibit the use of hard-copy proofs.Three experiments are proposed in order to analyze this phenomenon. The Gloss matching performance of observers on real objects is first going to be studied. Then, the same experiment will be repeated with synthetic images. Finally, a cross-media matching experiment will be performed, where the observers will have to match a real material with synthetic representations.The same trend was observed in the experiment using only real objects and in the cross-media situation, where a high matching accuracy was obtained for low gloss samples, and the gloss of mid and high gloss samples was underestimated. The same accuracy for low gloss samples was obtained for the experiment with only synthetic images, but mid and high gloss samples were overestimated. The sensitivity of the observers was higher when only real samples were used, it decreased when the display was used due the lack of visual disparity and multiple viewing conditions, and it was lowest on the last experiment, influenced by the multiple media and the above limitations.
Adria Fores, James Ferwerda, Ingeborg Tastl, John Recker, "Perceiving Gloss in Surfaces and Images" in Proc. IS&T 21st Color and Imaging Conf., 2013, pp 44 - 51,