The monitor brightness is affected by surround condition. The perceived brightness values of six test stimuli with different luminance levels were estimated using magnitude estimation technique to investigate the surround luminance effect. Each of the test stimuli was displayed on a LCD monitor. The nine surround conditions were controlled by illuminator which was placed behind the monitor. The range of surround ratio, SR, was varied from 0.3 to 3.8. It was found that the perceived brightness of each test stimulus decreases when surround ratio (SR) is higher than 1 compared to that under dark room. CIECAM02 brightness predictor, Q, was tested resulting in poor performance. CIECAM02 predicts that Q keeps increasing even when SR is higher than 1. The Q in CIECAM02 is strongly influenced by parameter c and LA. For this reason, new c value for dim, average and bright condition is proposed as a log function of SR based on the new brightness data.
Ye Seul Baek, Youngshin Kwak, Seung-ok Park, Hong-suk Kim, "Monitor Brightness Perception Changes under Various Surround Condition" in Proc. IS&T 21st Color and Imaging Conf., 2013, pp 39 - 43,