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Volume: 20 | Article ID: art00019
Removing Outliers in Illumination Estimation
  DOI :  10.2352/CIC.2012.20.1.art00019  Published OnlineJanuary 2012

A method of outlier detection is proposed as a way of improving illumination-estimation performance in general, and for scenes with multiple sources of illumination in particular. Based on random sample consensus (RANSAC), the proposed method (i) makes estimates of the illumination chromaticity from multiple, randomly sampled sub-images of the input image; (ii) fits a model to the estimates; (iii) makes further estimates, which are classified as useful or not on the basis of the initial model; (iv) and produces a final estimate based on the ones classified as being useful. Tests on the Gehler colorchecker set of 568 images demonstrate that the proposed method works well, improves upon the performance of the base algorithm it uses for obtaining the sub-image estimates, and can roughly identify the image areas corresponding to different scene illuminants.

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Brian Funt, Milan Mosny, "Removing Outliers in Illumination Estimationin Proc. IS&T 20th Color and Imaging Conf.,  2012,  pp 105 - 110,

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Copyright © Society for Imaging Science and Technology 2012
Color and Imaging Conference
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