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Volume: 2 | Article ID: art00005
Comparison of Color Difference Perception on Soft-Display Versus Hardcopy
  DOI :  10.2352/CIC.1994.2.1.art00005  Published OnlineJanuary 1994

As computers and color monitors are becoming cheaper and more ubiquitous, the need to understand color perception on soft-display and how it relates to color perception on hardcopy becomes crucial. While the demand for “what you see in soft-display is what you get in hardcopy” is mounting, many hurdles are yet to be overcome. The difficulties are a result of the differences in their color gamuts, viewing conditions, nature of lumination (emissive vs reflective), color reproduction method (additive vs subtractive), etc. Due to these intrinsic differences, the problem of softcopy/hardcopy matching in a general sense could not be adequately tackled without answering some of the more fundamental questions of color perception in the two different media of interest.On the other hand, even if the general problem of softcopy/hardcopy matching may not be completely resolved in the near future, a partial solution will still be very valuable if it could be established that results of certain psychophysical experiments done in soft-display under controlled viewing conditions could be translated to similar experiments done in hardcopy under its normal viewing conditions. Two advantages are the time and cost savings in setting up the experiments. Psychophysical experiments involving images or color patches in hardcopy often take months to set up due to the difficulty of generating the desired samples. In comparison, the soft-display environment, once it is calibrated, is more stable and results in faster and cheaper setup for similar experiments.Another advantage of conducting experiments in soft-display is that the subjects only have to use the keyboard and/or mouse instead of physically manipulating the test objects. This again results in noticeable savings in time. As a by-product, data entries are done by the subjects during the experiments thus eliminating the process of key-punching and related scribal errors. Furthermore, other interesting statistics such as keying sequence and timing data can be collected for later analysis if necessary.With all the above mentioned incentives, an experiment was conducted to address one of these cross-media questions, namely, color difference perception in hardcopy vs soft-display. While similar experiments have been done, this one concentrates on color difference with a delta E of around five to ten. More specifically, this color difference experiment is done on soft-display mimicking that done by Sayer and Skipper on photographic reproductions to compare the results of the two methods.

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King F. Choi, "Comparison of Color Difference Perception on Soft-Display Versus Hardcopyin Proc. IS&T 2nd Color and Imaging Conf.,  1994,  pp 18 - 21,

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Copyright © Society for Imaging Science and Technology 1994
Color and Imaging Conference
color imaging conf
Society of Imaging Science and Technology
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