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Volume: 19 | Article ID: art00012
Using ICC Profile for Determining Pigment Concentrations
  DOI :  10.2352/CIC.2011.19.1.art00012  Published OnlineJanuary 2011

In this research, ICC profiles were used to estimate pigment concentration for a specific set of pigments in an image. The spectral reflectance of any pixel was reconstructed based on pigment concentrations. Thus the colorimetric values under different viewing conditions could be calculated based on reconstructed reflectance spectra. Pigment concentrations were estimated using a look up table; then another look up table was utilized to estimate the colorimetric values under the desire viewing condition. Hence, two look up tables were built to connect concentration and CIELAB color values based on one-constant Kubelka-Munk theory for opaque layers. Out of gamut color as well as non-linearly between concentration values and CIELAB coordinates were accounted for. Reflectance data for Xrite ColorChecker classic and SG were used to evaluate the workflow. At the end ICC profiles are applied to a test image of a painting to estimate its appearance under different light sources. This technique is useful for simulating a work of art's appearance as an aid for lighting design using common picture editing software such as Photoshop.

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Farhad Moghareh Abed, Roy S. Berns, "Using ICC Profile for Determining Pigment Concentrationsin Proc. IS&T 19th Color and Imaging Conf.,  2011,  pp 52 - 57,

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Copyright © Society for Imaging Science and Technology 2011
Color and Imaging Conference
color imaging conf
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