The color of nature changes with passing time. Natural images are composed of clustered color objects that have the similar colors to be shared among them. “PC color matching” model by Kotera was firstly applied for automatic color correction of color prints and scene to scene color transform. Reinhard advanced the concept of color sharing between two images as “scene color transfer” model. “Color stealing” by Barnsley is an another concept of Fractal-based color sharing and used for synthesizing a new image by picking up a region color in one image and moving it to another image. This paper proposes a morphological color change model to create the sequential intermediate images between the source and destination. The PC color matching model is extended to a sequential color stealing and combined with a morphological median sequence for image warping. The proposed model needs not any control points or animator's skill for image warping in conventional methods. It creates the morphological median images with warping by a simple binary logical operations and colorization. The paper introduces an application for creating a movie clip in the seasonal color changes such as Souvenir D'ANNE FRANK or Morning Glory.
Hiroaki Kotera, "Morphological Color Change in Morning Glory" in Proc. IS&T 17th Color and Imaging Conf., 2009, pp 79 - 84,