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Volume: 16 | Article ID: art00057
Modelling Vividness Perception for Colour Laser Printer Evaluation
  DOI :  10.2352/CIC.2008.16.1.art00057  Published OnlineJanuary 2008

The present study proposes metrics predicting level of vividness and preferred-vividness that are one of the important image-quality attributes for colour laser printers. Vividness is a term representing chromaticness of colours and also has been adopted as one of the colour adjectives in ISCC-NBS colour naming and PCCS systems. It is conceptually similar to chroma. According to ISO 20462-2, triplet comparison method, which is a new psychophysical method that involves the simultaneous scaling of three test stimuli, was performed. As a result, an interval scale for vividness was established and it was modelled as a function of mean C*ab and L* of primary colours, e.g. CMYRGB. Pearson correlation between the metric prediction and corresponding subjective data was about 0.96. Both preferred-vividness and vividness metrics were based upon chroma and lightness but contribution of lightness is a lot higher for the former (∼ 40%) than for the latter (∼ 10%). Consequently, our vividness metric confirms earlier findings published by Nayatani in 2005.

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Youn Jin Kim, Yousun Bang, Heui-Keun Choi, "Modelling Vividness Perception for Colour Laser Printer Evaluationin Proc. IS&T 16th Color and Imaging Conf.,  2008,  pp 299 - 303,

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Copyright © Society for Imaging Science and Technology 2008
Color and Imaging Conference
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