A color mapping method was developed for device to device color mapping for pictorials and business graphics. The color mapping starts from gamut surface for the preference of business graphics or the tradeoff between business graphics and pictorials. As the process moves toward the interior of the gamut, the mapping is gradually adapted to the preference of pictorials. Instead of performing color mapping point-wisely, it selects a small number of points for color mapping and process other points by interpolation using relative neighbor color information. It incorporates primary adjustment and gamut mapping into a single step. Using relative neighbor color information for color mapping, it well preserves the color to color relationship. This property makes it particular good for business graphics. Applying interpolation instead of gamut mapping for the color mapping of majority of colors, it significantly improves the performance of the gamut mapping process.
Huanzhao Zeng, "Spring-Primary Mapping: Combining Primary Adjustment and Gamut Mapping for Pictorials and Business Graphics" in Proc. IS&T 14th Color and Imaging Conf., 2006, pp 240 - 245, https://doi.org/10.2352/CIC.2006.14.1.art00044