The preferred green grass and red(apple, lipstick, sports car) colors shown on the display are investigated using two different image sizes i.e. 2.4″ and 7.7″. Ten test images were used in the experiment and each image was transformed using memory color transformation algorithm to have different nine green grass or red colors. The pair comparison method was used to find out the most preferred green grass and red colors. It is found that there is little preference change by the image size change. The green grass colors are preferred as the average hue angle becomes closer to 130 degree (65% green and 35% yellow) in CIECAM02 hue angle with high chroma. In the case of red colors, apple images shows the high preference when the reproduced red is closer to the unique red (20.14 degree). The artificial objects such as red lipsticks and sports cars are preferred when reproduced with highest chroma regardless their hues.
Youngshin Kwak, JiYoung Hong, Du-Sik Park, Chang Yeong Kim, "Preferred memory and accent colors shown on the display and their size effect" in Proc. IS&T 14th Color and Imaging Conf., 2006, pp 224 - 229,