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Volume: 13 | Article ID: art00034
Suitable Printer Color Reproduction for Office Environment (1)
  DOI :  10.2352/CIC.2005.13.1.art00034  Published OnlineJanuary 2005

One of the most important aspects in office color printer is to enable a naive user to reproduce a good color reproduction without any extra efforts. Another important aspect, especially in office, is to get the same color reproduction regardless of which printer model they use. Unfortunately, printer manufacturers tried to please a customer by improving color image processing algorithm with their own goal, and this act as an obstacle to the bi-collateral of above two customer requirements.One way to resolve this conflict is to establish common color reproduction mode. Two approaches are implemented, one is to use a common GMA (Gamut mapping algorithm) and another is to use a common printed color and intermediate color space conversion.Office color printer GMA was evaluated, using CIE TC8-03 guideline with the CRT to print workflow. 4 types of GMAs, 10 office color printer models, 4 test images and 30 raters to perform rating test. As a result, the effect of “printer model” and “printer model x test image” were stronger than GMA. Also further analysis indicated that to get a printed color and intermediate color space relationship, which provides a good rating score, requires more efforts.

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Fumio Nakaya, Akihiro Ito, Makoto Qunigoh, Hirokatsu Shimada, Kenji Fukasawa, Takeshi Shibuya, Hirohisa Yaguchi, "Suitable Printer Color Reproduction for Office Environment (1)in Proc. IS&T 13th Color and Imaging Conf.,  2005,  pp 185 - 188,

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Copyright © Society for Imaging Science and Technology 2005
Color and Imaging Conference
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