This is the continuation of a previous study which investigated the possibility of applying a characterised digital camera to measure colours and quantify viewing parameters used in colour appearance models such as CIECAM02. The earlier results showed that a characterised digital camera can measure CRT colours with reasonable accuracy in terms of tristimulus values under average, dim and dark surround conditions. The present study investigates the effects of viewing parameters on image appearance under various surrounding conditions. Six methods were developed to determine viewing parameters such as the luminance level, the luminance factor of background and the surround conditions (two methods were described in an earlier paper). The standard method was based on that recommended by CIECAM02 and measurements were conducted using a Minolta CS1000 tele-spectroradiometer (TSR). The performance of the other five methods were evaluated through comparison with the standard data set. Twenty four colours included in a single image were used as test colours. The results show that using an image's mean luminance value as the luminance factor of the background (Yb) led to the best agreement with the standard method.
Chenyang Fu, M. Ronnier Luo, "Methods for Measuring Viewing Parameters in CIECAM02" in Proc. IS&T 13th Color and Imaging Conf., 2005, pp 69 - 74,