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Volume: 11 | Article ID: art00033
Spectral Color Processing using an Interim Connection Space
  DOI :  10.2352/CIC.2003.11.1.art00033  Published OnlineJanuary 2003

The use of an Interim Connection Space (ICS) is proposed as a means for extending the concept of device independent color management to support spectral imaging. Color management, in its standard practice, relates color rendering capability of devices through a Profile Connection Space (PCS). The International Color Consortium (ICC) defines a set of encodings for PCS derivable from CIEXYZ. Multi-channel imaging systems where the goal is the reproduction of image spectra cannot use a colorimetrically-based PCS. The obvious solution is to use a new PCS based on spectral reflectance, transmittance or radiance. In the presence of a spectral PCS, though, a straightforward analog to the typical ICC color processing approach breaks down due to the likely high dimensionality of a the new PCS. To alleviate such problems the ICS is introduced as a standard dimensionally reduced image processing stage. Eigenvectors were rejected as candidate bases for ICS. Pseudoprimaries were introduced as potential ICS bases.

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Mitchell R. Rosen, Noboru Ohta, "Spectral Color Processing using an Interim Connection Spacein Proc. IS&T 11th Color and Imaging Conf.,  2003,  pp 187 - 192,

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Copyright © Society for Imaging Science and Technology 2003
Color and Imaging Conference
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