HDTV (High Definition Television, in Japan we call it Hi-Vision) has been widely used to various fields in Japan such as printing, medical diagnosis, museum, cosmetics, etc. In this paper, first, image quality of prints from Hi-Vision is compared with the images obtained by conventional scanner printing systems.Secondly, newspaper printing systems used Hi-Vision is introduced and practical applications of the system to the EXPO '90 in Osaka and Olympiad of Barcelona in 1992 is also described.
Yoichi Miyake, Teiichi Nishioka, "Application of HDTV System for Still Pictorial Imaging — Part 2" in Proc. IS&T 1st Color and Imaging Conf., 1993, pp 246 - 249, https://doi.org/10.2352/CIC.1993.1.1.art00059