As color input, display and output devices become more and more common the need for managing color becomes greater and greater. Color management refers to tools that support color matching, editing, preservation and storage. Color management offers the means of transmitting color images and documents containing color across local and wide area networks while maintaining the fidelity of the colors of the original image or document.The fundamental problem to be solved lies in the device dependent nature of color devices. That is, color is specified in RGB or CMYK without a standardized reference point to define the objective meaning of RGB or CMYK. This presentation will review the background problem of device dependence and the options to create device independent color images. Color management systems as application level solutions and as embedded aspects of operating sytems will be described. Apple's new ColorSync color extensions will be described as operating system level utilities to support color management.
Gerald Murch, "Color Management on the Desktop" in Proc. IS&T 1st Color and Imaging Conf., 1993, pp 95 - 99,