Given the amount of data created and available to everyone, there is a gap in consumable everyday data analytic tools for anyone to make sense of their data. At anonymous university, we designed an introductory data visualization course to teach college students how to analyze data. Students enrolled in this six-week summer course and used utilize Trifacta \cite{Trifacta}, Tableau \cite{Tableau}, and ObservableHQ \cite{ObservableHQ} on the IEEE VAST Challenge 2022 dataset. The course emphasized the uncertainty and deception involved in data visualization. We structured the course around ethical design choices. In this paper, we describe an overview of the ethical goals of our six-week data visualization summer course, review example student work on the IEEE VAST Challenge, and provide recommendations for ways to add ethical functionality to visualization tools. The goal is for more data visualization tools which are consumable for novice users and support ethical design choices.