This paper describes in addition to the paper presented last year how videos can be implemented into printed photo books and greeting cards. We will show that –surprisingly or not-pictures from videos are similarly used such as classical images to tell compelling stories. Videos can be taken with nearly every camera, digital point and shoot cameras, DSLRs as well as smartphones and more and more with so-called action cameras mounted on sports devices. The implementation of videos while generating QR codes and relevant pictures out of the video stream via a software implementation was contents in last years' paper. This year we present first data about what contents is displayed and how the users represent their videos in printed products, e.g. CEWE PHOTOBOOKS and greeting cards. We report the share of the different video formats used.
This paper describes in addition to the paper presented last year how videos can be implemented into printed photo books and presents first results about the users' implementation. We will show that –surprisingly or not- pictures from videos are similarly used such as classical images to tell compelling stories. Videos taken with a traditional camcorder are not good candidates for implementation into photo books, as they are usually made with the intention of generating a movie. Videos taken by DSCs and smart phones are taken on the fly and are on average less than one minute in length and are the basis for the following evaluations.