In the age of the WWW consistent efforts have been made to make information from the archives available for the general public to facilitate access to the wealth of documentary history for research, consultation or education purposes. Linked Open Data (LOD)[1] provide a well suited framework to expose archival content to the general public while enriching it with content from other sources. This paper describes the creation of the first of its kind linked open data prototype to access data from the Historical Archive of the European Commission (HAS), carried out within ISA2 programme of the European Commission [2]. We present the designed ontology based on ISAD(G)[3], ISAAR(CPF)[4] and RIC-CM [5] models and the business processes of HAS, and the created knowledge base from a sample of HAS data, re-using authority lists from the Publication Office [6] and EuroVoc [7] and allowing querying via SPARQL endpoint [8].
The European Cultural Heritage Strategy for the 21st century has led to an increased demand for fast, efficient and faithful 3D digitization technologies for cultural heritage artefacts. Yet, unlike the digital acquisition of cultural goods in 2D which is widely used and automated today, 3D digitization often still requires significant manual intervention, time and money. To overcome this, the authors have developed CultLab3D, the world's first fully automatic 3D mass digitization technology for collections of three-dimensional objects. 3D scanning robots such as the CultArm3D-P are specifically designed to automate the entire 3D digitization process thus allowing to capture and archive objects on a large-scale and produce highly accurate photo-realistic representations.