Purpose: This research aiming at a survey of the existing status of digital preservation among the members of the IIPC was carried out by the identification of maintenance methods and strategies, digital repositories, standards, storage formats and tools and levels of access
and security.Method/approach: The research is based on a descriptive and analytic survey. According to this method, the community in question has been surveyed within two groups of digital archiving and permanent access as regarded digital preservation using questionnaires.
The questionnaires were sent electronically to the community in question including 11 members of the IIPC.Finds: %90/91 of national libraries apply on-line magnetic media and tape library, %81/82 SAN technology, %90/91METS standard and the OAIS reference model, %90/91 PDF format,
TIFF, MP3 and WAVA, %100 back-up supply, %45/45 access to the entire collection for free, access with restricted copyright and free access to the collection of digital records in part and %100 the mechanism of verification and access control management.Conclusion: According to the
results of this research, on-line magnetic media and tape library are appropriate for storage and long-termed preservation of back-ups and digital resources at national libraries due to their high quality and considerable life span and the SAN for better integration and allowing for the sharing
of back-up facilities.