In October 2009, the International Organization for Standardization (ISO)/ International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) Joint Technical Committee 1 (JTC 1) reconstituted the Study Group (SG) on Digital Content Management and Protection (SGDCMP) with more focused terms of reference. Specifically, the attention of the SG was targeted on the important issue of long term “digital preservation”. This term is understood to include the protection and management of both digital data and digital content, including associated metadata. One of the SGDCMP 2010 tasks was to organize workshops and symposiums that would help to develop a roadmap on long-term digital preservation standardization by identifying requirements, technologies, and best practices. Through the US International Committee for Information Technology Standards/Digital Content Management and Protection (INCITS/DCMP) and ISO/IEC SGDCMP, Wo Chang from the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) was appointed as the program chair for both workshop and symposium events.This was a two-part series on roadmap development for Digital Preservation. The US Workshop (co-hosted with NIST and INCITS, March 29-31 at NIST, US) was the first event focusing on US national needs and best practices, while the international symposium (co-hosted with NIST and ISO/IEC SGDCMP, April 21 – 23 in Dresden, Germany) gathered different requirements and best practices at the international level. Both roadmaps would then be combined as input to the ISO/IEC SGDCMP to standardize digital preservation interoperability framework for effective and reliable access to preserved digital contents between interoperable digital preservation repositories.This paper presents some of the preliminary results from the above two events. It is comprised of seven vision speeches from keynote speakers, followed by 50 presentations categorized into three tracks:• Content organizations (government, public/private institutes, etc.) for handling the preservation operations, strategies, and requirements• Technology developers (academia, commercial companies, R&D labs, etc.) for providing preservation approaches and solutions• Standards bodies (ISO/IEC, consortiums, industry associations, government initiatives, etc.) for establishing preservation best practices and standards
Wo Chang, "Preliminary Digital Preservation Interoperability Framework (DPIF) Results" in Proc. IS&T Archiving 2010, 2010, pp 202 - 202,