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Volume: 7 | Article ID: art00028
Digital Asset Management Education and Training
  DOI :  10.2352/issn.2168-3204.2010.7.1.art00028  Published OnlineJanuary 2010

Within the cultural heritage sector, we are witnessing rapid growth in the volume and complexity of digital materials, both digitized and born digital, so that the management of these digital assets is now a significant activity. In government, both local and central, and in commerce and industry, more and more of the information created in the normal course of activity is in electronic form. If the full value of these assets to the economy, society and culture is to be realized it is essential that fully trained professionals are available to ensure their management, curation, and use. This paper uses a new postgraduate MA programme at King's College London as a case study to explore the issues affecting the design, implementation and delivery of formal education and training for Digital Asset Management.

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Martyn Jessop, "Digital Asset Management Education and Trainingin Proc. IS&T Archiving 2010,  2010,  pp 152 - 156,

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Archiving Conference
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