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Volume: 4 | Article ID: art00027
Multi-Variant Analysis of Real-World Environmental Variables Affecting Image Fading on an Outdoor Synthetic Inkjet Substrate
  DOI :  10.2352/issn.2168-3204.2007.4.1.art00027  Published OnlineJanuary 2007

The permanence of large format, outdoor inkjet signs is a concern for many museums and companies creating signs that will be displayed for years or months either on the side of a museum or by the side of the road. The permanence industry has focused their research on using equipment to simulate the outdoor conditions these prints face to gauge their fading properties. The research conducted here took a more direct approach by placing the prints in an actual outdoor environment situation with no protection, tracking the rate of color change (DE), and the fluctuation of the environmental variables. A multiple regression analysis of the data that was collected was then used to create prediction formulas and to eliminate environmental variables that did not affect the fading.The multiple regression analysis was able to create a prediction formula for only two of the color patches tested on the uncoated vinyl substrate. The test included an uncoated vinyl substrate patch and nine printed color patches (cyan, magenta, yellow, black, red, green, blue, and two grays). The successful formulas created were for the measured substrate patch and the cyan patch. The formula showed that the substrate patch was affected by the average high and low temperatures and by the amount of time exposed in weeks. A second formula showed that the cyan patch was affected by the UV (ultra violet) index and the amount of time exposed in weeks.The prediction formulas act as more of a guideline for museums or printers to base their decisions about which substrates to use and to provide an idea about what environmental factors can be expected to affect the fading. This can in turn aid future research into the permanence of synthetic inkjet substrates by allowing researchers to conduct a preliminary short term study to narrow down the different variables they will be using for a more in-depth study. This research has shown that it is possible to conduct a short-term study of several variables to be used as a basis for later, more advanced research of the same material but with fewer variables, or for accelerated testing.

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Elizabeth A. Kline, "Multi-Variant Analysis of Real-World Environmental Variables Affecting Image Fading on an Outdoor Synthetic Inkjet Substratein Proc. IS&T Archiving 2007,  2007,  pp 113 - 116,

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