The Czech Digital Library is a new national plan to integrate different library repositories in the Czech Republic with repositories of other cultural heritage institutions. The Czech Republic is a small country in the heart of Europe with a long tradition and remarkable results in the area of digital archiving that are recognized worldwide: in 2005 the National Library of the Czech Republic was awarded the first UNESCO/Jikji Memory of the World Prize for its contribution to the preservation and accessibility of its documentary heritage. Large national projects have been functioning for more than ten years, combined with other regional, subject- oriented, institutional, and other projects. These more or less isolated projects have produced millions of digitized pages accompanied by metadata. Now we face the challenge of closer cooperation and coordination of these projects under the framework of the Czech Digital Library. This paper deals with both the results achieved in the three large national projects and our concept for the future.
Bohdana Stoklasova, "Czech Digital Library" in Proc. IS&T Archiving 2006, 2006, pp 49 - 51,