Beyond RGB is a free, opensource, software application providing colorimetric and spectral processing of a 6-channel spectral image. The software has an input of two sets of RAW RGB images, one set for each of two different lighting conditions. These sets include a dark current, flatfield, target, and item. The outputs are an RGB image that is color calibrated with data on the accuracy of the calibration and user-selected spectral reflectance estimations of regions of interest. The improvements created for this version of the software include an updated user interface, auto-sorting of files, improved color difference calculation and visualization, a userfriendly website, and the inclusion of various RAW file types.
Leah Humenuck, Susan P. Farnand, "Beyond RGB 1.5: Improvements to a Free, Opensource, Spectral Image Processing Software Application for Cultural Heritage Studio Photography" in Archiving Conference, 2023, pp 48 - 52,