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Volume: 20 | Article ID: 5
Recommended 3D Workflow for Digital Heritage Practices
  DOI :  10.2352/issn.2168-3204.2023.20.1.5  Published OnlineJune 2023

This paper addresses the concerns of the digital heritage field by setting out a series of recommendations for establishing a workflow for 3D objects, increasingly prevalent but still lacking a standardized process, in terms of long-term preservation and dissemination. We build our approach on interdisciplinary collaborations together with a comprehensive literature review. We provide a set of heuristics consisting of the following six components: data acquisition, data preservation, data description, data curation and processing, data dissemination, as well as data interoperability, analysis and exploration. Each component is supplemented by suggestions for standards and tools, which are either already common in 3D practices or represent a high potential component seeking consensus to formalize a 3D environment fit for the Humanities, such as efforts carried out by the International Image Interoperability Framework (IIIF). We then present a conceptual high-level 3D workflow which highly relies on standards adhering to the Linked Open Usable Data (LOUD) design principles.

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Marian Clemens Manz, Julien Antoine Raemy, Peter Renato Fornaro, "Recommended 3D Workflow for Digital Heritage Practicesin Archiving Conference,  2023,  pp 23 - 28,

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Copyright This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. 2023
Archiving Conference
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