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Volume: 20 | Article ID: 10
Pivan: A Web-platform for Document Annotation
  DOI :  10.2352/issn.2168-3204.2023.20.1.10  Published OnlineJune 2023

The Pivan web platform is an open-source tool for managing different stages of automatic document processing, such as layout analysis, transcription, and named entity recognition. It allows for the visualization of document segmentation, transcription at the line or paragraph level, and annotation of named entities. Pivan's web-based nature makes it perfectly suited for collaborative annotation and offers a smooth experience, even for small machines or connections. It is based on up-to-date web technologies, it includes a comprehensive API, and it can be easily deployed via Docker.

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Thomas Constum, Florian Bebin, Pierrick Tranouez, Thierry Paquet, "Pivan: A Web-platform for Document Annotationin Archiving Conference,  2023,  pp 53 - 56,

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Copyright ©2023 Society for Imaging Science and Technology 2023
Archiving Conference
Society for Imaging Science and Technology
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