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Volume: 2 | Article ID: art00030
Unified Still and Video Archiving and Distribution with JPEG 2000 & Arch-BEAM
  DOI :  10.2352/issn.2168-3204.2005.2.1.art00030  Published OnlineJanuary 2005

This paper discusses JPEG 2000 as a unified compression standard for archiving and distribution of still images, video, and real-time video.JPEG 2000 has many features for archiving and distribution such as: “encode once; decode many” flexibility, optimized network transfer, and extensibility to other imaging applications such as document imaging, intra-frame video, low-delay real-time video, and more.We will discuss a case study in document imaging and low-delay real-time video forming a basis for a unified archiving and distribution system. A case study is presented for a Japanese newspaper company utilizing JPEG 2000 in their internal workflow to archive, distribute, and work more effectively.The next step is to utilize JPEG 2000 as the format to archive and distribute video. In this paper, Arch-BEAM, is introduced in detail. Arch-BEAM system is a complete: capture, encode, storage, and delivery system for real-time or on-demand streaming video. Arch-BEAM also has real-time quality of service technology for efficient bandwidth utilization, real-time error control and recovery. From Arch-BEAM, a new concept of real-time archiving and scalable distribution for video is introduced. The Arch-BEAM system allows one to monitor the capture in real time and at the same time to archive the master and distribute various lower resolutions for various clients over various networks.With more organizations adopting JPEG 2000 as a standard format of their own, interchange between organizations will be easier and support between them will multiply with enhanced resources. To simplify workflows and technical support, using JPEG 2000 is the best choice for not only from an archive point of view but for distribution as well. Adoption of JPEG 2000 in archiving will bring digital archiving and distribution to a new level.

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Andrew Leung, Eisaburo Itakura, "Unified Still and Video Archiving and Distribution with JPEG 2000 & Arch-BEAMin Proc. IS&T Archiving 2005,  2005,  pp 138 - 142,

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Copyright © Society for Imaging Science and Technology 2005
Archiving Conference
Society of Imaging Science and Technology
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