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Volume: 17 | Article ID: art00020
200 Manuscripts in 200 Days: High Throughput Digitization of the Advocates' Manuscript Collection
  DOI :  10.2352/issn.2168-3204.2020.1.0.98  Published OnlineApril 2020

When we talk about digitization processes, it is necessary to understand that they can be done in countless different ways, qualities and techniques, from cell phones to high resolution captures or more complex systems such as multispectral and threedimensional digitization. These differences have an impact on the amount and detail of information captured by each technique, the human and material resources necessary for each technique, maintenance, and long-term care for the digital surrogates generated. The desire for digitizing cultural heritage materials must be linked to programs for the preservation of the materials being digitized and the preservation of all the digital files generated by digitization. The institution needs to find the balance between the resulting quality and quantity of the materials that will be digitized and what is possible to sustain in the long term through these processes. When we want the great, this can be the enemy of the good. The good can be done in the best way and be great. It is also possible to work with projects ranging from good to great according to decisions and selections made by the institution on how to deal with digital preservation, digitization, access and preservation in the long term. We want the best for our institutions and collections, and we aim for efficient dissemination programs using the materials generated by digitization. The purpose of this text is to help us think about our wishes for digitization and dissemination within this universe of possibilities.

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Gavin Willshaw, "200 Manuscripts in 200 Days: High Throughput Digitization of the Advocates' Manuscript Collectionin Proc. IS&T Archiving 2020,  2020,  pp 98 - 100,

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Copyright © Society for Imaging Science and Technology 2020
Archiving Conference
Society for Imaging Science and Technology