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Volume: 15 | Article ID: art00030
Setting out on an unknown sea – an extremely flexible metadata model for the "Engelandvaarders" collection (a case study)
  DOI :  10.2352/issn.2168-3204.2018.1.0.31  Published OnlineApril 2018

To address the very diverse and still developing requirements of maintaining and managing a growing collection of data on "Engelandvaarders" (people who escaped from the occupied Netherlands to England during the Second World War to continue the fight against the Germans), a flexible data model was proposed, built on semantic triples. This approach was expected to result in a) an enduring ability to deal with new categories of resources b) a very significant reduction – after initial development - of the need for work on database interfaces, both for data entry and for data viewing and c) creation of a portable, platform independent and application independent dataset. These results were achieved, and in addition it was discovered that the semantic approach notably improved communication on the metadata requirements within a varied group of stakeholders, volunteers and developers. Finally, visualization benefits were expected, but the actual results surpassed those expectations.

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Martijn van der Kaaij, "Setting out on an unknown sea – an extremely flexible metadata model for the "Engelandvaarders" collection (a case study)in Proc. IS&T Archiving 2018,  2018,  pp 143 - 146,

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Archiving Conference
Society for Imaging Science and Technology