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Volume: 15 | Article ID: art00017
Rare Items, Precious Time: Devising an Efficient Workflow to Digitize Nineteenth Century Cased Photographs
  DOI :  10.2352/issn.2168-3204.2018.1.0.18  Published OnlineApril 2018

This paper describes an effort to standardize digitization workflows for a large collection of nineteenth century cased photographs. Using what was learned during a project to digitize selected pieces for an exhibit, guidelines and diagrams to be used in digitizing the rest of the collection were created. The process had to take into account many factors, including the curator's multiple requirements for digitization; coordination with conservation treatment of the objects; the diversity of the materials in the collection; and processes involved in transporting the items between buildings on opposite sides of a large university campus. The guidelines were written with the goal of making the process more efficient so digitization of the rest of the collection could proceed at scale, as well as minimizing the time the photos would be outside of storage. They are presented here as a model for an organized approach to digitizing a substantial number of specialized objects.

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Amy McCrory, "Rare Items, Precious Time: Devising an Efficient Workflow to Digitize Nineteenth Century Cased Photographsin Proc. IS&T Archiving 2018,  2018,  pp 77 - 82,

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Archiving Conference
Society for Imaging Science and Technology