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Volume: 13 | Article ID: art00017
Digitally Archiving History: A game plan for large, unruly archival collections with limited staffing
  DOI :  10.2352/issn.2168-3204.2016.1.0.75  Published OnlineApril 2016

In this paper, an outline of workflows currently in use for the digitization of a large archival collection at Kent State University is provided. A blend of both in-house digitization and outsourcing methods used to achieve the goals of the project with limited staffing and resources. Considerations of the format, as well as the capabilities and available equipment and software, are made throughout the process in regard to institutional capabilities. Selected workflows for digitization are embedded into the daily routine of the staff, reflected in a growing digital archive that is available for patrons regardless of location. Materials without copyright restrictions are uploaded into a openly accessible digital repository, while more problematic materials are stored offline as a preservation copy and the digital copies noted on respective finding aids. A small-scale digitization space has been created for the purpose of in-house scanning, and a process to select material from reference driven selections as well generating reports from a patron database to gauge the most highly used items has been refined to tackle the large task of digitizing a complex archival collection, one piece at a time. Further, the notion at the conclusion of the project is to apply these practices and workflows to other archival collections.

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Virginia A. Dressler, "Digitally Archiving History: A game plan for large, unruly archival collections with limited staffingin Proc. IS&T Archiving 2016,  2016,

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Copyright © Society for Imaging Science and Technology 2016
Archiving Conference
Society for Imaging Science and Technology