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Volume: 13 | Article ID: art00012
Visual Information (VI) Process Improvement
  DOI :  10.2352/issn.2168-3204.2016.1.0.48  Published OnlineApril 2016

Defense Media Activity (DMA) is the Department of Defense's (DoD) direct line of communication for news and information to U.S. forces worldwide. The agency informs DoD audiences, entertains DoD audience overseas, trains Public Affairs and Visual Information professionals, and manages the DoD's visual information. Defense Imagery Management Operations Center (DIMOC) provides DoD enterprise-level visual information services including operational support, digitization, storage, access, records management of the Department's visual content, and accessions to the U.S. National Archives and Records Administration. This paper presents an overview of the Defense Visual Information (DVI) component's Lean Six Sigma Green Belt Visual Information (VI) process improvement project. The goal of this lean initiative was to improve VI records management and caption editing. The purpose of the project was to provide an improved workflow that allows our customers to access DoD operational imagery more efficiently. A faster and less costly process for DoD imagery that is stored and preserved at DIMOC will also improve the copy editing process and ultimately, customer/user access.

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Barbara Burfeind, "Visual Information (VI) Process Improvementin Proc. IS&T Archiving 2016,  2016,

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