An RGB laser COM system – the Eternity – has been developed to provide high-resolution and high-speed recording of image data on color microfilm. Experiments were performed to analyze the color accuracy of the Eternity on Cibachrome Micrographic Master (CMM) film. Targets included Color Checker SG as well as a set of specific test charts for white point and gray scale calibration. The targets were measured with a photospectrometer (SpectroSwing RT) and the results were analyzed with commercial software (Profile Maker).The average and maximum CIEDE2000 was 2.23 and 5.05, respectively, for the ColorChecker SG target. According to the FADGI guidelines, a four star performance has an average CIEDE2000 below 3 and maximum below 6. This clearly demonstrates the excellent color reproducibility of the Eternity RGB laser system and its suitability for producing authentic archival images of historic manuscripts, books, graphic illustrations, maps, plans, photographs, and aerial photographs.
Daniel Fluck, "Analysis of Color Management of RGB Laser COM for Image Archiving Applications" in Proc. IS&T Archiving 2014, 2014, pp 94 - 96,